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Shed Building Permits and Regulations in Orlando FL

Jeremy Horning

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

As a homeowner, it is possible that you might not have enough space to store some of your tools, equipment, and other things. This is one of the major reasons you might look to build your own shed. You could also decide to get a shed for some other reasons like a private office or to beautify your yard.

However, before you get caught up in the excitement, it is highly imperative that you check whether you are violating any state laws or not. Even though it is your property, you still need to ensure that you are not violating any laws by erecting your shed.

What is a Shed Building Permit?

A shed building permit is a pass that property owners need to be able to carry out construction work on their properties. You will need to send your shed permit application to the building department, checked by a building official, and have it issued to you before you can start working on your shed.

This permit aims to keep you legal and also ensure building safety. Make sure you do not start working on your shed without a permit as you could incur permit fees.

Do you need a building permit for a shed in Orlando, FL?

If you are planning to erect a shed in Orlando, you might be required to get a building permit depending on the size and structure of the project.

These are the cases where you would need to get a shed permit:

  • If you are building a shed that has a footprint of more than 120 square feet.

  • If you will need to carry out plumbing, electrical, or mechanical work.

  • If your project is not either a one-story freestanding, detached, accessory structure.

How to Get a Shed Permit in Orlando?

These are the quick and easy steps you can take to get a shed permit in Orlando:

  • You will be required to fill out a permit application. Wait at least two days for it to be processed.

  • After your plans have been accepted digitally for review, you will then be sent an email with a link to view the digital plan review system.

  • You are expected to file a notice of commencement of your project value is more than $2,500.

  • You can check your permit status, and related permits and plan review completion dates at any time with the use of the permit lookup tool.

  • After reviews are done and reviewed, you will be emailed payment instructions.

  • You can download the permit and plans after making your payment.

  • You will also have to schedule an inspection with the building department.

  • Once you have completed and passed all inspections, then you will have a permanent permit.

How much does a shed building permit cost in Orlando?

It is important to note that there are varying prices for permit charges in the different zoning districts as they could have extra charges for accessory structures.

This is what you are expected to pay if you hope to acquire a shed permit in Orlando:

Application fee - 25 percent of the initial estimated permit fee.

Permit Issuance - Starts from $50 upward.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Shed Building Permit in Orlando?

There are different factors that could affect the time you are expected to receive your shed building permit. You can get the approval for your shed permit in a couple of days. You are advised to allow up to two days for your application to be processed properly.

Can You Build a Shed Without Planning Permission?

If your shed size and height do not exceed the limit placed by your local authorities, then you most likely would not require planning permission. You do not need to be a permit holder to have a shed that is less than 8 feet in height or has a footprint smaller than 120 square feet.

What size shed can you build without a permit in Orlando?

A shed that has a maximum footprint of 120 square feet is the biggest shed you can build in Orlando without requiring a shed permit. This limit is put in place to ensure that you do not erect your building too close to any adjacent property lines or rear property lines.

How tall can my shed be?

You can build your shed as tall as you want but it is important to note that if it exceeds 12 feet, you might attract building permit fees. This is why you should submit all necessary info when applying for your permit, including the expected height, truss layout, roofing plan, foundation plan, and floor plan.

What happens if you build a shed without a permit in Orlando?

If you go ahead to erect your shed without a permit, there are certain penalties you would incur. These include:

  • If you commence your shed building project without a permit, you will be charged extra fees. The fee to be paid is typically two times the normal permit fee. If a contractor violates twice or three times, then the normal permit fee will be tripled or quadrupled. In the case where there are multiple violations, it could lead to construction delays and maybe litigation.

  • If you do not have a shed permit, you would most likely not be covered by an insurance company. This means that any accident that occurs on your shed premises will not be under the coverage of the insurance company.

More zoning rules

There are different things that could get you in trouble with your local authorities when it comes to building a shed. These are some of the other zoning rules you should watch out for:


The planning division has systems in place to determine setbacks. In Orlando, your shed or accessory structure needs to be at least five feet away from the rear property lines. So, before construction is done, ensure a scan is done to avoid building your shed too close to other residential structures.


It might not be the best option to erect your shed on easements, particularly if you do not want any trouble. While you will still be the owner of your property, you might incur some extra fees if you overlook this requirement. It could also be the case where the owner of the easements requires access to it.


It can be fun and cost-effective to build your own shed. But, if you are planning to build one in Orlando, make sure you are within the residential Florida building code.

If you decide to work with Urban Sheds, then you do not have to worry about penalties or any other emergency situation as all sheds are built within zonal requirements. Just provide the installation instructions including the roof framing plan, exterior wall designs, and any other installation detail.

You will have your structure built to your taste and style by our local shed builders in Orland, Florida.


1. How close to the property line can I build a shed in Orlando County?

Your shed must be placed at least five feet away from any other accessory structure or building. It should also not occupy greater than 35% of the area between the principal structure and the rear property line.

2. What's the biggest shed I can build without a permit in Orlando, FL?

You can build a shed that has a footprint no greater than 120 square feet without a permit.

3. Does a shed increase property tax in Orlando?

Generally, a shed is not taxable, which means that it would not impact your property tax.

4. How long do building permits last in Orlando?

You will get a shed permit that lasts for six months.

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