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Shed Building Permits and Regulations in Jacksonville FL

Jeremy Horning

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

If you’re considering building a shed in your backyard in Jacksonville, FL, you might wonder whether a permit is necessary. Building a shed can be a significant investment so you want to ensure you get it right from the start.

If you’re a little confused about the shed building regulations in Jacksonville, FL this guide will set the record straight.

What is a Shed Building Permit?

If you’re building something on your property, it’s likely that you’ll need a permit. If the building is a shed, you may need to apply for a shed building permit. There are cases when a permit is not required, but it’s always best to check with your local authority and stay in line with the current local building code regulations and requirements.

Do You Need a Building Permit for a Shed in Jacksonville, FL?

Building permits are required in order to control the quality of construction and to help ensure Jacksonville is a safe, beautiful area in which people can live, work, and play.

As is the case with most US states, there are certain height and width limits with regard to shed permits. For example, in most cases, sheds smaller than 120 square feet do not require a shed permit. However, in Duval County, of which Jacksonville is the seat, only if the shed is 75 square feet or less is no permit needed.

However, this isn’t the only limit that applies. Your shed also has to have no electrical or plumbing installations. In many cases, this type of work will require a different permit, such as an electrical or plumbing permit.

Various other factors determine whether a permit is required. They include:

  • A scaleable certified survey is required if your shed is larger than 150 square feet

  • Plans for your shed are also required if your shed is over 150 square feet

  • There may be zonal permit requirements specific to where you live that make shed permits compulsory

  • Plumbing or electrical installations

  • Mechanical equipment installations

How to Get a Shed Permit in Jacksonville?

To obtain a shed permit in Jacksonville, there are several steps you have to follow. Permits are only available from the Jacksonville City Hall Annex at 214 North Hogan Street. Opening hours are between 7 AM and 3 PM, Monday through Friday.

Documentation You Need to Provide

When you visit the residential shed permit office, you must bring proof of your Homestead Tax Exemption and photo ID. If your planned shed will be larger than 150 square feet, you’ll also need to provide two copies of your scalable certified survey.

This is a map of your property that you would have received at closing. You also need to provide plans for the shed.

Sheds over 150 square feet also need building plans that are engineered in accordance with the following:

  • Florida Building Code

  • The IBHS Guideline for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction

  • The ANSI/AF&PA Wood Frame Construction Manual for One- and Two-family Dwellings

  • The FC&PA Guide to Concrete Masonry Residential Construction in High Wind Areas or

  • The WPPC Guide to Wood Construction in High Wind Areas

Complete the Relevant Application

When you first arrive at the office you must pick up a Building Permit Application and Property Owner Disclosure. You ask for these at the Plans Review Counter.

You can also download permit applications from the website.

Various Counters You Have to Visit

Once you’ve completed the applications you take them to the Zoning counter. Your scalable survey for compliance will be reviewed for compliance with the requirements of your zoning district.

The next port of call is the Development Services counter where they review the scalable survey for flood zone, city easement, and city right-of-way issues.

The Plans Review is the next counter to visit. Your application will be inputted into the permitting system and you’ll receive a permit number. For a shed of 150 square feet or less, this is the end of the process.

If your shed is over 150 square feet, you next have to go to the Small Projects Plans Examiner. Your building plans will be examined and you’ll be assigned the required inspections. Final approval will also be given and you’ll get a payment slip that you take to the Tax Collector and pay.

How Much Does a Shed Building Permit Cost in Jacksonville?

The fee for a shed that’s 150 square feet or smaller is $60. These small sheds require no inspection. For permits that require one inspection, the fee is $100. If more than one inspection is necessary, the permit fee is a minimum of $150. All permit fees are also subject to minor surcharges.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Shed Building Permit in Jacksonville?

While the process may seem quite complex it is possible to get a permit in one day. However, this time frame depends on you having the right paperwork, it’s all in order, and your proposed shed meets all the necessary requirements.

Can You Build a Shed Without Planning Permission?

It is possible to build a shed without planning permission, however, it must be within certain requirements.

What size shed can you build without a permit in Jacksonville?

If you’re planning to build a shed that’s 75 square feet or less, no permit is needed. However, when you are doing electrical work, an electrical permit will be required.

How tall can my shed be?

You can build a shed as tall as you need it to be, however, you should bear in mind that sheds that exceed 12 feet in height will attract building permit fees.

What Happens if You Build a Shed Without a Permit in Jacksonville?

You might be tempted to forego the building permit process, but you run the risk of:

  • A cease and desist order may be issued which means you have to remove the shed from your property

  • A lien could be placed on your property

  • You may attract fines and penalties

More Zoning Rules

There are additional zoning rules you might need to comply with. They include:


If you’re planning to build your shed 5 feet from your house, it must meet more restrictive setback requirements.


A detached shed must be at least 5 feet from the side and rear property lines in most zoning districts. You can find more information about easements online.


If you’re planning to build a shed in Jacksonville, FL, and want to stay on the right side of the law, working with a reputable company such as Urban Sheds comes with many benefits. They’ll help you build your dream shed that meets all the relevant building requirements.

Design your dream shed using the 3D Shed Configurator tool and get peace of mind knowing that it will be built with a 30-year structural warranty and a 3-year workmanship warranty. In addition, you can get a free consultation.


1. How close to the property line can I build a shed in Jacksonville County?

You have to leave sufficient space between you and your neighbor. Ideally, you should build it five feet from the rear and side property lines.

2. What's the biggest shed I can build without a permit in Jacksonville, FL?

You do not need a shed permit for a shed in Jacksonville, FL that is less than 75 square feet.

3. Does a shed increase property tax in Jacksonville?

Yes, your shed may affect your property taxes, but it is not going to add significant financial value.

4. How long do building permits last in Jacksonville?

Your permit will be valid for 6 months. If construction doesn’t start within this time your permit becomes invalid.

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